Dr. Sven Opitz
Oberarzt - Radiologie
Facharzt für Radiologie
- 2014 - Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft (DRG)
- 2017 - AG Muskuloskelettale Radiologie der DRG
- 2018 - Qualifizierung in Muskuloskelettaler Radiologie, Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft, Stufe 1
Reliability of using an ultrasound scoring measure for juvenile localized scleroderma (jLS)
Suzanne C Li, Melissa S Liebling, Molly Dempsey-Robertson, Andrea S Doria, Stephanie Edgerton, Carsten Hamer, Jose Jarrin, Tanicka Kornyat, Michael Malone, Arun Mohanta, Sven Opitz, Faridali Pediatric Rheumatology
Detection of 53 Novel DNA Variations Within the Tyrosinase Gene and Accumulation of Mutations in 17 Patients with Albinism
Sven Opitz, Barbara Käsmann-Kellner, Markus Kaufmann, Eberhard Schwinger, Christine Zühlke HUMAN MUTATION
Refinement of the spinocerebellar ataxia type 4 locus in a large German family and exclusion of CAG repeat expansions in this region
Y. Hellenbroich, S. Bubel, H. Pawlack, S. Opitz, P. Vieregge, E. Schwinger, C. Zühlke J Neurol
DNA repair and recombination factor Rad51 is over-expressed in human pancreatic adenocarcinoma
H Maacke, K Jost, S Opitz, S Miska, Y Yuan, L Hasselbach, J Lüttges, H Kalthoff, H-W Stürzbecher Oncogene
Over-expression of wild-type Rad51 correlates with histological grading of invasive ductal breast cancer
Heiko MAACKE, Sven OPITZ, Kirsten JOST, Willem HAMDORF, Wilhelm HENNING, Stefan KRÜGER, Alfred Ch. FELLER, Antje LOPENS, Klaus DIEDRICH, Eberhard SCHWINGER, Horst-Werner STÜRZBECHER Int. J. Cancer