Priv.-Doz. Dr. Urban Fietzek
Oberarzt - Neurologie und Klinische Neurophysiologie
Facharzt für Neurologie
- 2000 - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurologie (DGN)
- 2001 - Deutsche Parkinson Gesellschaft
- 2006 - Arbeitskreis Botulinumtoxin der DGN e.V.
- 2006 - Movement Disorder Society (MDS)
Wissenschaftlicher Preis
- 2014 - Nationaler Forschungspreis Parkinson der DPG
The Role of Ultrasound for the Personalized Botulinum Toxin Treatment of Cervical Dystonia
Urban M. Fietzek, Devavrat Nene, Axel Schramm, Silke Appel-Cresswell, Zuzana Košutzká, Uwe Walter, Jörg Wissel, Steffen Berweck, Sylvain Chouinard and Tobias Bäumer. Toxins https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6651/13/5/365
High-Resolution Motor State Detection in Parkinson’s Disease Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Franz Pfister, Terry T. Um, Daniel Pichler, Jann Goschenhofer, Kian Abedinpour, Muriel Lang, Satoshi Endo, Andres Ceballos-Baumann, Sandra Hirche, Bernd Bischl, Dana Kulić, Urban Fietzek https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-61789-3
Spatial constraints evoke increased number of steps during turning in PD
Fietzek, Stuhlinger, Plate, Ceballos-Baumann, Bötzel Clinical Neurophysiology
Randomized cross-over trial to investigate the efficacy of a physio program
Ziegler, Schroeteler, Ceballos-Baumann, Fietzek Clinical Rehabilitation
Levodopa changes the severity of freezing in Parkinson's disease.
Fietzek, Zwosta, Schroeteler, Ziegler, Ceballos-Baumann Parkinsonism Related Disorders
A new rating instrument to assess festination and freezing gait.
Ziegler, Schroeteler, Ceballos-Baumann, Fietzek Movement Disorders
Split-screen video demonstration of sonography-guided muscle identification
Fietzek, Schroeder, Wissel, Heinen, Berweck Movement Disorders